How did we get here? When did we get so far off course? Did we ever really know where we were going or why we set out for this place? These are all relevant questions… that we often ask much later in the process that we would prefer – but it’s never too late.

I guess I should explain a little more so you can understand why I am asking them. You see, I’ve been thinking a lot about moments in time lately. Specifically, I have been considering the roots of things and their beginnings.

I assume that’s perfectly natural when one experiences the passing of someone close, in my case, it was my mother who unexpectedly passed away. As I reconciled all the thoughts and emotions that went through my head in the days and weeks that followed, I could not help but recognize some sense of irony. Here I was, going full force toward publish a book that began as a heartfelt letter to my kids with life lessons I wanted them to know about I never got to personally do so, only to experience my own parent’s passing.

During this same time, I was slowly reading through a book where the author explains how economically successful communities throughout the United States possess, embrace and promote some form of origin story. That origin story establishes their identity, which becomes their anchor. Their calling card. Their reason for being.

I found a wonderful parallel between that observation and 1Glories because Listen Up, Kids is very much an origin story for 1Glories. The driving vision behind it is so much more than merely being “another Christian blog.”

Listen Up, Kids as an Origin Story

There’s a deeper and more meaningful purpose and reason I started 1Glories. I sincerely pray 1Glories grows into a glorifying means for helping others to pursue a refining life, on purpose. It goes well beyond self-help and personal development. It goes beyond empowerment. It goes deep into helping us understand exactly who God created us to be, how we can embrace that identity and make it our consuming passion throughout our daily living.

The Origin Story Found in Listen Up, Kids

I pray 1Glories grows into a glorifying means for helping many others to pursue a refining life, on purpose. .. going deep into helping us understand exactly who God created us to be, how to embrace that identity and make it our consuming passion throughout daily living.      Photo Credit: via Compfight cc

Listen Up, Kids traces the steps my life took toward finding my divine purpose for being, stopping exactly where 1Glories really begins.

God works and orders our lives in exciting and amazing ways. Listen Up, Kids: Foolish Dreams, Syncing with Go and Running to Win models an approach anyone can apply to be proactive in listening to God, finding a divine call, living confidently and developing a lasting legacy for generations yet to be.

Listen Up, Kids Can Uncover Your Origin Story

Listen Up, Kids can be the breakthrough you need for discovering your own purposeful origin story. I’m so looking forward to sharing this message with as many people as possible and hope you’ll join in the journey.

Learn More About Listen Up, Kids