A while back, Relevant Magazine posted an outstanding Steven Harrell (@steven_harrell) article titled, “Why We Need a New C.S. Lewis“. It generated quite a lot of reaction.
The reaction was stirring enough to prompt an editors note in their newsletter stating:
…we kicked a bit of a hornet’s nest with our article… Among modern Christian authors, there’s no holier cow than Lewis. We’re huge fans of his, and we’d like for someone to come along and fill his shoes as an apologist and storyteller. But many of you said, in no uncertain terms, that there is not and will never be another C.S. Lewis. That’s a bit sad, but, we have to admit, you have a point.
While I tend to agree that there indeed will never be another C.S. Lewis and that it is indeed sad, I do think there are many who are quite capable of being “an apologist and storyteller” and I certainly agree with Harrell in the belief that we do indeed need that kind of storytelling. Storytelling that can penetrate the culture and society we find ourselves.
Take it as a mandate. Take it as a challenge. Take it as a calling.
This generation needs Christians who are willing to have their eyes open for what God is doing around them every day, to honestly engage their stories with the story that God is writing in a way that is relational, experiential and empowering. Christians should not only look back to our heroes of old, but also look to the present, where God is alive and active. (emphasis added)
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