Have you ever questioned God about why He allows something to happen (or not happen) to you? Have you ever felt God nudging you to pursue something you didn’t want to do – but you were obedient – expecting success only to have it backfire?
Then Moses turned to the LORD and said, “O Lord, why have you done evil to this people? Why did you ever send me? ~ Exodus 5:22
Consider Moses. Things didn’t go like he planned – or at least the way he thought they would. Not only does Pharaoh refuse to let the people go, he adds new pains and heartache to the slave-driven Israelite people.
And they curse Moses for following the commands of the Lord.
What do we learn from this failure?
God’s timing is not without reason
In fact, the Pharaoh’s refusal, as well as the agony of it, were graciously preparing Moses for the greatest experience and mightiest act of service in his life. Immediate success may have been a detriment instead of an act of kindness.
Moses, though he did not see it as such at that moment in time, was being taught to trust and rely upon God alone.
Unlike the Israelites, who quarreled with their would-be deliverers, Moses appeals to the Lord. Like Moses, we will many times find ourselves confused during our service and duty to God. Yet we must go to him and lifting our petitions in prayer rather than allowing our let-downs to drive us away from him.
Originally Posted June 9, 2011. Updated 4/13/2015