I used to think that the sharing of a personal testimony can be someone selfish, prideful and boastful. It always sort of felt like a “look at me” type of monologue because the very nature of it focuses heavily on the life, events and happenstances of the person telling it. Part of this may be that I have spent much of my life feeling less than remarkable and not really all that noteworthy.

In short, my testimony felt inconsequential and not all that interesting.

But Everyone’s Testimony is Powerful

In the last several years, I have been able to open up more about my story – which really isn’t about me at all. I may say “my” testimony, but it really belongs to God. It’s a story about how he has used and is using my life. In that perspective, it has a whole different framework and purpose.


Testimonies are not about a person

Sharing is one of the greatest ways to offer encouragement to others. It inspires them while also acknowledging that all glory is to God for the work he does in your life. While many personal testimonies have similarities, we all have our own story that is the unique connection between us and God.

I say all this because I wanted to suggest you check out this new site, Faith + Testimony. Faith + Testimony is a place for followers of Christ to share in order to honor God and impact others.

I was recently invited to share my own story at Faith + Testimony and am happy to share a link here. I really hope you will check it out.

Give it a read and comment. I’d love to hear from you.