For while we are still in this tent, we groan, being burdened—not that we would be unclothed, but that we would be further clothed, so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life. ~ 2 Corinthians 5:4
I’m currently leading a study of 2 Corinthians. Last week, while studying Chapter 5, we began to discuss the tendency of hearts to become fixated on longings of this world and not our treasures stored up in Heaven. Though we know they are foolish longings, our fallen nature is to be cognizant of unbelievers who seemingly “have it all” despite missing the ONE thing that really matters – the light of God.
Sadly, it sometimes leads us to ponder: what if? It reminded me of this poem I wrote many years back. While primitive in it’s spiritual context, the concept the premise and the ponder is much the same. Thought I would share.
On the Other Side
I’ve maintained a life, living by the book – –
Always being sure I gave more than I took.I’d consider choices wisely, thought of the aftermath,
And (at times) I struggle – – but keep on the right path.I walk my path with pride and skillful tact.
When I hear the train, never race to the other track.As I float, motionless and free of sin – –
I can’t help but wonder why everyone else’s ships are the only coming in.Sometimes I long to strut with those of the darker side,
Wanting for once, to be the one getting the free ride.How great a life the surely must be,
To live a life free of the pains which bring me to my knees.