In my home are two statues of little children, a boy and a girl, as they pray together. We’ve had them several years following the passing of my father. Before that, they were in his home. I don’t really know where they came from. However, they have a much character and tell a great story fit for sharing here.
My wife and I made many visits to dad’s trailer when he was ill, when he was recovering from his surgeries or simply just to know him better and comfort him as he prepared for his final days. We both were often gazing at those two little children during each visit.
I’m not sure why, but we did. There are no extraordinary features about them or anything that would make them stand out. They are two simple little statues that say a lot.
Those children have been tarnished by tobacco smoke, grime, dust and probably have even been through a fire or two in addition to only God knows what. Surely they are displaying the grit this world has cast upon them.
They come from a world where they have no control nor do they have any ability to change. And yet, they remain firmly knelt in stoic prayer day and night. Their expressions remain that of calm and peace.
The little boy in blue and the little girl in pink know of the “living hope” that is Jesus Christ.
What it’s like to have living hope
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, ~ 1 Peter 1:3
While cleaning our living room one afternoon, I plucked the two statues from where they have been pretty much since we inherited them. I noticed even more dust had built up in the years that we’d pretty much forgotten about them. So I started wiping the dust and that’s when I noticed the grime in the curves and creases carved onto their likenesses.
With the thought that they deserved a good cleaning, I took to scrubbing. And then I stopped. That grime was symbolic. It was more than mere dirt.
Your life is of more value than you know
These statues are insignificant and pretty much worthless by our world’s standards and forms of appraisal. They are mere lumps of clay that have been shaped along side dozens, perhaps hundreds of virtually identical and figurines.
And yet, aren’t we all just lumps of clay?
We begin this life with zero expectations, but everlasting hope. Through the grace of God, we lumps of clay are shaped, molded, refined and transformed into masterpieces by God our creator. He not only gave us life, He sustains us and sent His son to this world. Jesus was subjected to the same life we all endure and then sentenced to die for our sins so we may receive many blessings. We celebrate that grace and loving kindness.
THAT is Christmas.
Childlike Faith
Just like the way we added these two kids to our household without question or condition, God does the same for each and every one of us. No matter how dirty we become, no matter how deep the grime of life is staining and embedding into our skins, God welcomes us in loving generosity. He never asks us where we have been, what we’ve been doing or even why we left. He simply embraces us and says “Welcome back my child.”
“Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. ~ Matthew 18:3
If only we could have faith as strong as those little children. If only we could stay focused upon Jesus even close to the example they set. Then, perhaps we too could truly experience the peace, the joy and the love of the living hope – no matter how much filth this world throws at us.