Divine encounters take many forms. Whether it’s scanning for Jesus Sightings, experiencing God Things, or responding to Spirit Promptings, God is omnipresent. Like it or not, we’re always in the presence of God.
That means, no matter how much we screw up, it is never so much that we lose our salvation or cast off the Holy Spirit. Despite this fact, it can sometimes seem like we’ve lost a sense of his presence. That’s why it’s important to remember the divine encounters we are blessed with during our lifetimes. Consider this article from GotQuestions.org for more about God’s omnipresence,
Here’s a few more links about the divine encounters of Jesus Sightings, God Things and Spirit Promptings.
The Divine Encounters in Jesus Sightings
Have You See Jesus? (Oswald Chambers at My Utmost For His Highest) – Drawing on Mark 16:12, Chambers reminds us that being saved and seeing Jesus are not one in the same. Moreover, he creates a distinction between what we are seeing Jesus to and what he has done for us.
How Seeing Jesus in Scripture Affects our Spiritual Formation (Joe Carter at the Gospel Coalition) – In our daily lives, we are either becoming more like Jesus, or less so. In this Gospel Coalition article, Joe Carter presents 8 spiritual habits we can personally develop to become more like Jesus.
The Divine Encounters in God Things
7 Ways to Tell if This is a God Thing (Ron Edmondson) – God calls us to both seemingly impossible tasks and ordinary as well. It can be difficult and distressing when discerning if thoughts and feelings are God Things. Edmondson offers seven signs to help you decide.
Should We be Saying It’s a God Thing? (Rick Pruitt at AlreadyAm) – Because of God’s omnipresence, Pruitt asks if we should be saying “It’s a God thing.” that’s because it’s always a God thing. If it were anything otherwise, it would suggest that God is not present or in control.
The Divine Encounters in Spirit Promptings
Tip for Being Led by the Holy Spirit (Charles Stanley at Charisma Magazine) – Stanley draws on Galatians 5:16, “Walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh to show that the Holy Spirit empowers us to resist sin. In addition, He helps us to understand Scripture and brings us into fellowship with God.
Listening to Spirit-Promptings (Mitch Kruse) – Kruse shares a story of the Holy Spirit prompting him to end a service in a certain manner. It didn’t go exactly how he thought, but it was no doubt divinely guided.