Lately, I have been doing a lot of analysis and having conversations with many folks (in addition to a lot of prayer) over the direction of 1Glories. Resulting from all this is a slight upcoming pivot in the approach that will be used here at 1Gories.
Having studied the subject of branding and working in marketing for nearly two decades, it’s hard for me to think that the original focus of 1Glories may have been a bit off target. Yet, as the narrative voice has become more defined and the audience that is organically becoming engaged is more obvious, it is also clear that a slight shift is due.
The only missteps are those not taken.
The overall intent of the site – to honor and glorify God – will remain central. That is why 1Glories exists. But how and what is done to achieve that requires some tweaking.
What! This is a blog, not a brand!
Many organizations and business professionals spend a lot of time and money in an often futile attempt to design an image and reputation that will draw their clientele closer to them by connecting so intensely that they impress an emotional bond so strong and entrenched, they’ll be committed to that “brand” for life.
When 1Glories began, I intentionally shied away from the idea of branding and didn’t even like using my own name. I sought to make it all about God and not about me, Mr. Chad Gramling.
In hindsight, that may have been off target. At risk of sounding arrogant or self-indulgent, I have come to realize that God’s work through his children brings him his ultimate due glory. By removing myself from that process, I was unintentionally short-circuiting a process.
But make no doubt about it. God does not need me. He blesses me by working his will through me.
God has a natural brand that knows no equal.
With that statement as focus, let’s examine a passage of scripture for some context:
The crowd that stood there and heard it said that it had thundered. Others said, “An angel has spoken to him.” Jesus answered, “This voice has come for your sake, not mine. Now is the judgment of this world; now will the ruler of this world be cast out. And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.” ~ John 12:29-32
What a powerful way Christ and the cross speak to us!
This short message serves as our Lord’s towering prediction that, by His cross, He would “draw all men” unto Himself. It is the climax of a remarkable narrative.
How the Lifted Christ and the Cross Draw all Men
The cross – when separate from Christ – has no saving power. Together, they represent the most wonderful magnet ever to draw the hearts of earth’s sin-cursed people.
Yet, we need more than a mere beautiful portrait or image. We need a cure for our sin-disease.
The deity behind the manhood makes the cross an atonement. It’s the manhood within the deity that makes it an atonement for us and such a magnet to us.
How many businesses would go to all extremes for that sort of magnetism to their brand?