How a New Year Spurred Personal Growth and Pulled me from a Black Hole
Years ago, I made my last New Year’s resolution and it is the only one that ever stuck. That resolution was to never make a New Year’s resolution again. Given that a mere 8% of them actually come to fruition, it’s become more than socially acceptable to make empty...
Things Don’t Always Go According to Plan, and That’s Okay
I’m a planner by nature. I like to have a set of check boxes with clearly itemized tasks so I can check them off and move onto the next to make fully sure that things are on track to the end goal. That’s my nature. If I were to pigeonhole myself according to...
Okay You’re an Introvert, So What!?!?!?
I have to warn you, this post might make you mad – especially if you are an introvert. It may even hurt your feelings and I realize I risk losing some readers. But it’s a message you really need to hear. Listen, I get it. We introverts view the world with...
Don’t Carry a Burden of Regrettable Silence
This week isn’t going as planned. This week was supposed to be a staycation where I would put everything into motion for an upcoming book publication. On Saturday morning, I sat down with my cup of coffee at my computer and set about with building out the next couple...
Why Emotional Hoarding Neglects Jesus & How to Fix It
We hear a lot about the hoarding of physical things, but we don’t often consider hoarding in an emotional context. And rarely – if ever – do we consider its relationship to the Cross or Christ’s atonement for our sin nature. In many regards, we harbor a lot of...
What You Miss By Giving Up And Why You Must Persevere
We all have had bad days and weeks. Months, maybe even years. You know what I’m talking about… it seems like the whole universe has conspired against you because nothing goes right and finding even a glimmer of a silver lining is doable. Those periods of...How God’s Timing Should Turn Agony Upside Down
Have you ever questioned God about why He allows something to happen (or not happen) to you? Have you ever felt God nudging you to pursue something you didn’t want to do – but you were obedient – expecting success only to have it backfire? Then Moses...Seeking Contentment Even When Your Toilet is Overflowing
I am sure my fellow home owners already know how this story goes. It has been a long weekend and you are ready to wind down before starting the week anew in the morning. Then someone says the last thing you want to hear: “the toilet is overflowing.” Not...
Who Else Feels like a Barren Olive Tree?
Life has many prosperous seasons. And there are down seasons – no harvest – as my buddy, Scott Sprunger might say. In such times, people might cling to a desperate hope and remembrances of those more abundant times. They might be marked with regret as they spy upon...
We Are Not Rocks. We Are Not Islands.
When I wrote the poem, That Rock, I was drawing upon the two verses that appear below. They both offer a great foundation (pun intended) for how to live in continual recognition that I am nothing without the mercies and grace of God. And a man shall be . . . as the...