I’ve worked on this message for a year, but it’s really DECADES in the making. Whether to post it or not has had countless reconsiderations, but WTH, here it goes… BUT, before I dive in, please know this is NOT a cry for help, sympathy, or attention....
Many technophobes experience a personal digital hell on a daily basis. But, fast forward 100 years to a fully digitized society. Physical newspapers and magazines have ceased to exist. Books are all nestled within the Applazon Cloud by monopolizing the rights when the...
World Peace is one of just two easy answers in life. It’s the correct response when a pageant contestant is asked what she would most want to see happen during her lifetime. This response is the mocked canned answer made famous in the movie Miss Congeniality. The...
God is a God of Comebacks. I know this to be true. You see, when I first wrote this post back in 2016, I really wondered if I could stage a comeback, or if I was done for. I was down and out, feeling very much a failure. Emotionally spent and clinging to hope, I asked...
When I introduced my daughters to one of my favorite movies… The Goonies, I knew they’d love it. It’s a timeless classic that’s thrilling, humorous, and hearkens viewers of all ages to a time when it was easier to believe. Even today, as a much...
My unofficial hiatus might be construed as me giving up. And truth be told, I considered it. Not so much as “giving up” but more like “moving on” to a new season. Back in 2019, as I was finishing my study of Edward’s resolutions, I was...
The year 2020 has more haters than Nickelback. That’s no easy feat. Yes, it has been a rough year, and this “year” has gotten blamed for much. However, without a reset in our personal mindsets, 2021 will be no better… and the truth is; 2020 is not a total loss. Now,...
Don’t underestimate the impact of a new mindset. Like everyone, I’ve been personally impacted by the worldwide pandemic stemming from COVID-19 and the Coronavirus. I do admit I was one of the early skeptics until I started seeing the grim reality. That was the case...
When it comes to making decisions, I am pretty terrible. It’s a discipline I just never quite developed well. Some might say it’s “being the Libra that I am”. You see, I too easily sway sides at the slightest hint of credible support. Not that I am a believer in...
Despite firmly believing we should never give up on the things that matter, I too often give up on myself. I give in to negative self-talk. Or I foolishly compare myself to others, which – let’s be honest – is actually comparing our biggest...
Purposefully building character traits may be one of the underlying reasons for embarking on this grueling study of Jonathan Edwards’ resolutions two years ago. As I enter into the home stretch of it, this may be the only time I have directly acknowledged that fact....
I like food. I mean, I REALLY like food. Unless it’s okra. Okra is gross. Seriously. It’s not food. In the words of Jerry Seinfeld’s nemesis, Newman, it’s a “vile weed” – though, to be fair, he said it of broccoli. But this really...