Fly on, Thunderbird, Fly & the Quiet Riot in My Soul

Fly on, Thunderbird, Fly & the Quiet Riot in My Soul

I’ve worked on this message for a year, but it’s really DECADES in the making. Whether to post it or not has had countless reconsiderations, but WTH, here it goes… BUT, before I dive in, please know this is NOT a cry for help, sympathy, or attention....
What is Gospel Living and are we Really Living it?

What is Gospel Living and are we Really Living it?

When it comes to Gospel living, I’m realizing there are some Gospel problems. It’s not problems with the Gospel, but problems with how we understand, teach and live it. I’ll explain that in more detail soon. First, let me share that 1Glories is a platform where I...
Give Real Grace… Even When its Fake as Sh*t

Give Real Grace… Even When its Fake as Sh*t

How do you spot a fake? More importantly, how do you realize you’re being a fake? Or more challenging, how do you be true to who you are even when you must behave a certain way to be sensitive to others? I grapple with these questions more than most will ever...
What Should I Do When I Am Doubting God’s Love?

What Should I Do When I Am Doubting God’s Love?

Doubting God’s love is something I suspect we all can relate to feeling. I know I personally go through seasons of spiritual idleness. And I, like Edwards and many other people, suffer bouts of depression. The feeling of hopelessness is a sentiment I know as well as...
Your Heart State in Communion with God and the World

Your Heart State in Communion with God and the World

Holy Communion is sort of my personal New Year or rebirth. That may sound ironically selfish, but stick with me. You see, when I have the opportunity to join with fellow believers in Holy Communion, I view it as a cleaning of the slate. A moment when I come into the...
To Live Fully Alive, You Must Do More than Exist

To Live Fully Alive, You Must Do More than Exist

How can we be fully alive? I mean really and truly fully alive? There are many ways we go about making it happen. And we might even think we are doing it. Yet, the contentment, satisfaction, and good feelings that made us that way eventually fade. Sometimes it’s...
Is Your Attitude Pouring Into or Draining On Others?

Is Your Attitude Pouring Into or Draining On Others?

We often hear about attitude and the importance of it. Clichés, like “your attitude determines your altitude” and “attitudes are contagious, make yours worth catching” are pretty common. As you may know, I am no fan of clichés, but I do also acknowledge that...
Jesus Sightings Show a Watching World He is Present Here

Jesus Sightings Show a Watching World He is Present Here

“Be on the lookout for Jesus sightings.” That was the peculiar charge delivered to a group of mostly junior high kids embarking on international mission work. I was among them as a college-aged youth leader, though I felt quite inadequate for the role. I was certain I...
Thanksgiving Day, a Poem by Frank Carleton Nelson

Thanksgiving Day, a Poem by Frank Carleton Nelson

I am really excited to shared this poem, Thanksgiving Day, with you on, well… Thanksgiving Day. It was written by Auburn, Indiana author, Frank Carleton Nelson and appeared in his 1933 compilation called The Evening Hour.  As I shared earlier in the week, I...

Thankfulness; A Poem by Frank Carleton Nelson

Thankfulness was written by Auburn, Indiana author, Frank Carleton Nelson and appeared in his 1927 compilation called Along Life’s Road. It’s the first of two poems by Nelson I am sharing this week. I first learned on FC Nelson when I was writing my book, Legendary...