There’s a lot of focus on how we build relationships throughout many areas. I find it to be true in my business trade, my ministry work, my roles at church, and in so many others. Some will call it customer service, experience management, or any of dozens of other...
For Jonathan Edwards, resolutions were instructions for living. It’s well chronicled that he wrote 70 resolutions and read them daily throughout life. He followed them and relied upon them for sustaining strength with the ultimate intention being the development of a...
We fool ourselves into thinking real change can come from New Year’s Resolutions. But, the thing about resolutions that goes forgotten is the fact that you don’t have to wait until New Year’s Day to start them. Instead, more attention is given to people’s...
Our personal resolve and New Year’s Resolutions are hot topics right now. You may or may not be into goal setting, and there’s no shortage of advice from bloggers, coaches, and mentors. I’m not going to add my voice to that fray. I bring it up because it’s...
The ability to reframe anxiety is a vital personal growth tool that we – introverts and otherwise – should seek to master. Having spent most of my life being an anxious and nervous person, this took me a look time, and I am still working on it. But the...
I can’t help wondering if there is a direct link between anxiety and introverts. The more I think about it, the more I believe it to be true. And, as a classic introvert, I am of course thinking about it – often. A while back, I wrote a post titled “Okay, You’re an...
Divine encounters take many forms. Whether it’s scanning for Jesus Sightings, experiencing God Things, or responding to Spirit Promptings, God is omnipresent. Like it or not, we’re always in the presence of God. That means, no matter how much we screw up, it is never...
Many folks report having spirit promptings – a compulsion or feeling of obligation seemingly from God. For instance, I once did mission work with someone who was convinced she was supposed to give her shoes to a resident of the area we were working in. Looking...
It had to be one of those God things. That’s the only reasoning I could muster for still being alive. It had to be. Only… I really wasn’t sure if I even believed in God. You see, my earliest memories of church and/or religion begin at a Catholic Church. (Note: this is...
“Be on the lookout for Jesus sightings.” That was the peculiar charge delivered to a group of mostly junior high kids embarking on international mission work. I was among them as a college-aged youth leader, though I felt quite inadequate for the role. I was certain I...
The value of things that come together is something Former Ford Motor Company CEO, Alan Mulally knows well. Leaving his role at Boeing and taking the Ford helm as outsider to the auto industry, he was asked why he thought he could turn the company around. He responded...
The word “meditation” stirs up many concepts, perceptions and thoughts when it’s said aloud. In fact, many Christians who fear allowing thoughts that might possibly dilute what they believe will balk at the word. However, the concept of meditation is a Biblical one....