Being different usually comes with a negative connotation. However, there are times where we must not just endure being different, we must embrace being different. In Keep Christianity Weird: Embracing the Discipline of Being Different, Michael Frost argues it’s the...
Spiritual warfare. It’s a term that conjures all sorts of visual representations. And it probably varies greatly by culture. I can’t claim to be all that knowledgeable about it, and I have kept my life mostly ignorant of the concept. I like to live in my little bubble...
In Kingdom Citizen: Your Role in Rebuilding a Broken Nation, Tony Evans presents a compelling case for renewed emphasis on the relationship of God in culture. Moreover, he shows how, in our misguided pursuit of buildings and turnkey programs, we have forgotten a call...
In The Life Giving Leader: Learning to Lead from Your Truest Self, Tyler Reagin pleads the case for learning to lead from your unique God-given design to help facilitate a similar pursuit in the lives of others. With forwards by Andy Stanley and Craig Groeschel, the...
One of the worst fates is going through life and not ever knowing how to live. I mean genuinely knowing how to live fully with freedom to be you and pursue your purpose. The Audioslave song, Show Me How To Live is one that always gets me pondering that premise. Some...
Many things in life and work require having a progressive mindset. I’ve come to understand that this is especially true when it comes to personal discipleship. Before I explain that and put it into context of Edwards’ second resolution, let me explain a bit....
Bad moods are inevitable. Some of us find our way into them more often than others, but it happens to us all. It may be caused by how we are feeling, events that happen, as a response to stress, or just because. Heck, I have been so moody, it seems like I am sometimes...
There’s no easy way to say this, so here it is; we’re going to die. And when that time approaches for each of us, we want to be able to look back on our lives and say we have no regrets, right? That’s the idealistic scenario, at least. Is it realistic? Maybe. Of...
I credit many people as being positive personal influences in my life. Some are long-time influences, while others are short-lived. Likewise, there were many events and happenstance that I pinpoint as personal influences of both me and my entire generation. Take a...
It’s safe to presume Jonathan Edwards was devoted to self-examination. Perhaps that’s one of the things that has made this the perfect topic for the year of listening up. That’s because, though 1Glories is ever-evolving, one element is pretty constant; “refining life,...
Life comes with a lot of gray areas. We meet them in many situations, whether it’s in business, marriage, following laws, or otherwise. Too often, though, when someone says, “it’s sort of a gray area” they say it to infer “yeah, it’s not right, but it’s a gray...
The inquiry into why we sin has to be one of the most asked questions of all time. And that is probably true of both believers and non-believers. Though the latter may not ask specifically why we sin, they probably wonder why we do bad things. Jonathan Edwards...