Building Christian Character on Faith and Discipline

Building Christian Character on Faith and Discipline

With a mindset of building Christian character, I sought to deeply study Jonathan Edwards’ 70 resolutions in 2017. When I set that course, I categorized them according to the fruits of the spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). I admittedly did that before truly grasping...
Tried and (Still) True by Erik Tyler – a Review

Tried and (Still) True by Erik Tyler – a Review

These days, it’s challenging to know truth from fiction and misunderstanding. That’s why it’s helpful to have others who are diligent enough to trace origins, review facts, and help carry the torch of wisdom. For it’s through them that we gain a passing of the baton...
Improve Yourself by Stealing Like an Artist

Improve Yourself by Stealing Like an Artist

Improve yourself. That mandate was calling me out sometime after registering on a divinely inspired whim. I realized with remorse that I had allowed myself to indulge and delight in the pursuit of temporal pleasures of the world. Those things that I came...
How Fooling Yourself is Hurting you Now and Eternally

How Fooling Yourself is Hurting you Now and Eternally

You’re fooling yourself again… when you think just one cookie won’t break your diet. Or that you must purchase batteries and Chapstick simply because they’re in the checkout line. It’s so convenient. While you’re at it, go ahead and buy a little bottle of soda for a...
A Review of Decisions by Robert L. Dilenschneider

A Review of Decisions by Robert L. Dilenschneider

When it comes to making decisions, I am pretty terrible. It’s a discipline I just never quite developed well. Some might say it’s “being the Libra that I am”. You see, I too easily sway sides at the slightest hint of credible support. Not that I am a believer in...
Be Relentless and Never Give Up on Yourself

Be Relentless and Never Give Up on Yourself

Despite firmly believing we should never give up on the things that matter, I too often give up on myself. I give in to negative self-talk. Or I foolishly compare myself to others, which – let’s be honest – is actually comparing our biggest...
The Secret to Building Character Traits on Purpose

The Secret to Building Character Traits on Purpose

Purposefully building character traits may be one of the underlying reasons for embarking on this grueling study of Jonathan Edwards’ resolutions two years ago. As I enter into the home stretch of it, this may be the only time I have directly acknowledged that fact....
Check Yourself – There’s Never a Wrong Time for it

Check Yourself – There’s Never a Wrong Time for it

It’s important to check yourself on occasion. It’s a way to know what’s going on in your head and in your heart. I say this knowing full well there is a sinister vibe that likes to flow through my own soul. It’s not something I am proud of. And, truth be...