The metaphorical earbuds we knowingly and unknowingly wear signifies a lot of things. Some of those qualities include the desire for control, a lack of inclusion and even weakness. I’m particularly reminded of this given that, as I write this post, I am watching the...
There are many ways we can go about viewing life. That’s because there are many ways in which we filter the way we see. Be it experiences, education or otherwise, we have a tendency to paint everything according to what we know. Of course, we could get...
If you are a leader or want to be a leader, and you are trying to identify good leadership tools, I suggest you pack a mirror. Yes, leaders are expected to have and share a vision. They need to set a direction and clear a path forward. While we commonly think of a...
We find ourselves in the midst of a Great American Stalemate. That’s the conclusion I am coming to after having considered what has been going on in my country over the last many months. In fact, I have felt pretty helpless since the election of Donald Trump as...
What if you were to quit making excuses and said yes to God? It’s a simple question. And, it’s a question you might think doesn’t apply to you. But let’s ask another question… how often has your desire for what could be been held in check because you won’t give...
Let’s call it for what it is. A “Top 10 Post” is reignites interest in popular posts and provides end of year filler for a blog since it’s less likely that people are looking for new content right now. Although, wise bloggers will also look at those top posts and ask...
It seems silly to suggest we might say no to God if we really are accepting of his all-encompassing power. Yet, we say no to God all the time. We say no to him when we fall short in obeying all his commands. We say no when we make choices that are – without...
I have always had a fascination with the idea of personal identity. As a child, I gave a lot of thought (maybe too much) to my personal worldview and how I defined myself. I looked to others I could adopt as personal role models, incorporating their traits into my own...
I used to think that the sharing of a personal testimony can be someone selfish, prideful and boastful. It always sort of felt like a “look at me” type of monologue because the very nature of it focuses heavily on the life, events and happenstances of the person...