One of the worst fates is going through life and not ever knowing how to live. I mean genuinely knowing how to live fully with freedom to be you and pursue your purpose. The Audioslave song, Show Me How To Live is one that always gets me pondering that premise. Some...
Many things in life and work require having a progressive mindset. I’ve come to understand that this is especially true when it comes to personal discipleship. Before I explain that and put it into context of Edwards’ second resolution, let me explain a bit....
There’s no easy way to say this, so here it is; we’re going to die. And when that time approaches for each of us, we want to be able to look back on our lives and say we have no regrets, right? That’s the idealistic scenario, at least. Is it realistic? Maybe. Of...
I credit many people as being positive personal influences in my life. Some are long-time influences, while others are short-lived. Likewise, there were many events and happenstance that I pinpoint as personal influences of both me and my entire generation. Take a...
It’s safe to presume Jonathan Edwards was devoted to self-examination. Perhaps that’s one of the things that has made this the perfect topic for the year of listening up. That’s because, though 1Glories is ever-evolving, one element is pretty constant; “refining life,...
Not a day goes by that I don’t find myself judging others. On the one hand, I grow angry with myself because I am judging others. On the other hand, I thank God for revealing to me those things I should seek to rid from my life and being. In that regard, it is a...
I tried to find the origin of the phrase, Christian Living. I failed. It’s not overly surprising to me. However, I have seen it in many avenues over the last several months, so I thought there was a chance. But the art of Christian Living may be one of the most...
In modeling the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus taught us to seek “Your Kingdom Come.” This is probably viewed by most as a bringing of Heaven to earth. In other words, it’s something we long for in a future tense. What is forgotten or ignored, though, is the present perspective...
I think we all need to sometimes spend time doing self-rediscovery. That’s one thing that really compelled me to read Take Off Your Shoes: One Man’s Journey from the Boardroom to Bali and Back by Ben Feder when given the opportunity to review it. My initial...
He feared he was wasting time. It was New Year’s Eve in 1972 and Roberto Clemente boarded a plane intended to bring aid to Nicaragua following a terrible earthquake. It was overloaded, but was determined to get supplies to the quarter-million lives that were now...
In life and business, we’re memorable and valuable when creating awesome connecting experiences. That’s the overarching theme and key take-a-way of Stop Selling and Start Leading: How to Make Extraordinary Sales Happen by Deb Calvert, James M. Kouzes, and Barry...
In the beginning, family honor is a mere afterthought to Marty McFly, the main character of hit movie trilogy, Back to the Future. Personal honor, on the other hand, is obviously important to Marty. Whenever he is called “chicken” or it’s even suggested, he refuses to...