[special]I’m excited to introduce 1Glories readers to guest blogger, Rana Tarakji. She’s a fellow blogger, entrepreneur and Christ follower who passionately pursues a refining life, on purpose. In this guest post, Rana tackles an important subject that most...
Personal connection with others is important. Not enough that can be said about it. Imagine a life where you know absolutely nobody or one where nobody acknowledges you, let alone talks to you. Of course, for a moment at least, that seems pretty nice to many of us....
Mother Teresa experienced a lifetime of helping others and impacting lives in countless ways. She built hospice centers, orphanages, and centers for the blind and disabled (among MUCH more). She cared for and served the needs of people who hospitals refused to admit,...
The metaphorical earbuds we knowingly and unknowingly wear signifies a lot of things. Some of those qualities include the desire for control, a lack of inclusion and even weakness. I’m particularly reminded of this given that, as I write this post, I am watching the...
If you are a leader or want to be a leader, and you are trying to identify good leadership tools, I suggest you pack a mirror. Yes, leaders are expected to have and share a vision. They need to set a direction and clear a path forward. While we commonly think of a...
If you genuinely want to see justice in this world, it’s going to have to start in the right places. There are many ways we go about seeking it, and most of those avenues lead us on wild goose chases or to dead ends. We often see people who are wronged and...
I have had many neighbors, but I will never forget one of them. The old man who lived across the street from my childhood home had a wonderful bed of tulips in his back yard. I stumbled onto them one afternoon as I cut through on my way to a friend’s house. A long...
What if you were to quit making excuses and said yes to God? It’s a simple question. And, it’s a question you might think doesn’t apply to you. But let’s ask another question… how often has your desire for what could be been held in check because you won’t give...
I recently stopped my drive to work to help someone whose car was stuck in a snowy driveway. There was nothing to force me to do that. And I certainly didn’t want to get out of my car, which was just starting to warm up. But I had to stop – and I’ll tell you why...
I am really excited to shared this poem, Thanksgiving Day, with you on, well… Thanksgiving Day. It was written by Auburn, Indiana author, Frank Carleton Nelson and appeared in his 1933 compilation called The Evening Hour. As I shared earlier in the week, I...
What is Love in Action? It’s a great question. One that seems like it’s an easy answer. It’s hugs, kisses and saying “I love you,” right? Sending cards or emails from a distance. Ordering flowers or gifts. Those are loving gestures, right? Sure, they are great ways of...
The late Jerry Bridges penned The Blessing of Humility before his death. In this wonderful little book, he details the beatitudes (Matt. 5:3–11) as a series of blessings that point us toward a pattern of humility in action. Tyndale House Publishers provided me with a...