I gotta think we all would like to say we are a difference maker in some form. Whether it is in the lives of our children, in our careers or through our service to others, we make an impression. The type of impression, though, should be one of positivity and valuable...
I used to roll my eyes when bringing change was suggested. No matter where it was, I held hard to an “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” mentality. Frankly, i was comfortable with status quo and bringing change meant more work, adapting and was potentially a brig threat...
We find ourselves in the midst of a Great American Stalemate. That’s the conclusion I am coming to after having considered what has been going on in my country over the last many months. In fact, I have felt pretty helpless since the election of Donald Trump as...
I’ve been in the “Christians verses Halloween” debate many times. It compelled me to write this post last year, and I am sharing it again – edited a bit – because it continues to contribute to the active conversation going. Not all will agree with me, but...
Today represents a couple events that might be called milestone moments. The most obvious one is Columbus Day. The other milestone moment is a little more personal. It’s my fortieth birthday. I don’t’ spend a lot of time talking about my birthdays, because I find that...
When challenged to find personal momentum, I often think about a scene from my favorite movie, Steve Martin’s “The Jerk.” It’s a humorous way of reminding us about the importance of taking steps forward rather than standing still. In the movie, Martin’s Navin Johnson...
In life, we often feel walled in to a thin place – a feeling of despair and hopelessness. Jason Coleman was there and God guided him from low to glow. Here’s his story: There is nothing that compares to the feeling of entrapment. The feeling that the walls...
Letting go is never easy. This is true for many reasons – comfort with the familiar is one such reason. In this case, comfort holds us back. Of course, some things are easier to let go of than others. Yet, it’s important to know and remember that...
Human beings are wired with a survival instinct. Some call it our reptilian brains and many are quick to reference Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs as evidence. There has been a lot of more recent neuroscience to further affirm this human need for survival at all costs....
Let’s talk about discernment. It’s a pretty doggone big word… one of them “church words” that people use to sound smart. In a nutshell, it basically means having an ability to be of good judgement. It’s about a person’s...
A new version of Coke was introduced. Nobody liked it. A new version of Pepsi (Crystal Pepsi) was once introduced. I may have been the only person that liked it. Remember when they made a new version of Saved By The Bell called “The New Class” and nobody...
I slept on the downstairs couch despite having a full-size bed and a room of my own almost directly above where I slept until high school. Why is that, you ask? It’s because that’s where the television was located. But, before you start thinking all those thoughts...