Keeping the Sabbath is Not Part of a Holy Checklist

Keeping the Sabbath is Not Part of a Holy Checklist

What seems like an age-old debate is whether or not Christians should work on Sunday. It would seem that doing so is in direct violation of the fourth commandment of “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.” (Exodus 20:8). While I cannot even begin to present a...
Developing People – 7 Posts on Building People Up

Developing People – 7 Posts on Building People Up

Developing people is one of the core ambitions of 1Glories. When I started the blog, it was about the only directive I knew for sure. And developing people goes well beyond the topic of “leadership.” And there is no one surefire approach that will work for everyone....
A Review of 41 Will Come, Down But Never Out

A Review of 41 Will Come, Down But Never Out

In 41 Will Come, Check E. Tate presents a clear call to action: What are you going to do about the giant that’s standing between you and your dreams? The giant that is keeping you from being the person God created you to be? This is a tough question. In fact,...
Honor Your Loved Ones – Happy Birthday Mom

Honor Your Loved Ones – Happy Birthday Mom

Today’s post is about honor and how to honor. You see, today is my mom’s birthday and I probably would have sent her flowers or given her a simple birthday gift if she were still with us. Sadly, she passed away last year and, as I reflect on her life, I am...
Why a Ton of Excuses is No Excuse at All

Why a Ton of Excuses is No Excuse at All

As my wife will readily attest, I am a man of many interests, leading to the start of many projects and endeavors. Often, though, those projects and endeavors are abandoned in an incomplete state. Don’t worry though, I have an excuse. Actually, I have a ton of...

How God’s Timing Should Turn Agony Upside Down

Have you ever questioned God about why He allows something to happen (or not happen) to you? Have you ever felt God nudging you to pursue something you didn’t want to do – but you were obedient – expecting success only to have it backfire? Then Moses...
#Praylist: Crowder’s “I Am” Keeps us Holding On

#Praylist: Crowder’s “I Am” Keeps us Holding On

I love a song you can crank and feel the strength and passion stir throughout your whole mind, body and soul. That’s what I get with Crowder’s “I Am” off the Neon Steeple album. No matter how down I am, no matter how worthless I am feeling, no matter how much the tugs...

Unleavened: Uncorrupted, But Not Carb Free

Whenever we celebrate the sacriment of Holy Communion, I host a private prayer between God and myself. During that time, I take the perfectly sliced chunk of wheat bread and smash it over and over. I say a similar but different prayer every time. It goes something to...