Our Duty to Rescue and Rejecting the Bystander Effect 

Our Duty to Rescue and Rejecting the Bystander Effect 

I was introduced to the concept of the Bystander Effect while refining my understanding of seeing individuals, not crowds. I have no doubt that you have seen it in action many times over. As have I. In the simplest terms, it is an unwillingness to speak up or take...
Christian Living and the Sin of Wanting More

Christian Living and the Sin of Wanting More

[special]I’m excited to introduce 1Glories readers to guest blogger, Rana Tarakji. She’s a fellow blogger, entrepreneur and Christ follower who passionately pursues a refining life, on purpose. In this guest post, Rana tackles an important subject that most...
If Mother Teresa Didn’t See Crowds, What Did She See?

If Mother Teresa Didn’t See Crowds, What Did She See?

Mother Teresa experienced a lifetime of helping others and impacting lives in countless ways. She built hospice centers, orphanages, and centers for the blind and disabled (among MUCH more). She cared for and served the needs of people who hospitals refused to admit,...
Impostor Syndrome and Giving Up Control of the Narrative

Impostor Syndrome and Giving Up Control of the Narrative

I learned about something called Impostor Syndrome a few years ago. It gave me an understanding of something I intuitively knew, but couldn’t label. In short, it’s a concept describing high-achieving individuals who have a fear of being exposed as fraud. They...

Can Your Family Life be Better? I Mean, Really Better?

Last week, I enjoyed an amazing Spring Training experience I’ll never forget. It’s memorable, of course, because I was watching the World Series Champion Chicago Cubs four times at three different parks and taking in many Arizona sights, including a tour of Chase...
Viewing Life with a Mirror and Microscope – 7 Posts

Viewing Life with a Mirror and Microscope – 7 Posts

There are many ways we can go about viewing life. That’s because there are many ways in which we filter the way we see. Be it experiences, education or otherwise, we have a tendency to paint everything according to what we know. Of course, we could get...
Your Magnificent Chooser by John Ortberg – a Review

Your Magnificent Chooser by John Ortberg – a Review

As a parent, I’ve always believed in the impact of reading to kids. Though my kids are getting older, I’m always looking for fun and engaging books that teach powerful, spiritual lessons without purely preaching. John Ortberg’s new book, Your...