Developing Good Habits While Crushing No-So-Good Habits

Developing Good Habits While Crushing No-So-Good Habits

When we have conversations about habits, it is rarely about developing good habits. Those conversations usually begin at the other end of the spectrum. And that’s why habits get a bad wrap. They often get described as “nasty,” “bad,” or “terrible” habits that are...
Most Christians Are Wrong About Halloween

Most Christians Are Wrong About Halloween

I’ve been in the “Christians verses Halloween” debate many times. It compelled me to write this post last year, and I am sharing it again – edited a bit – because it continues to contribute to the active conversation going. Not all will agree with me, but...

Personal Identity According to Tim Tebow in His Book, Shaken

I have always had a fascination with the idea of personal identity. As a child, I gave a lot of thought (maybe too much) to my personal worldview and how I defined myself. I looked to others I could adopt as personal role models, incorporating their traits into my own...
Milestone Moments and the Many Mini-Moments in Between

Milestone Moments and the Many Mini-Moments in Between

Today represents a couple events that might be called milestone moments. The most obvious one is Columbus Day. The other milestone moment is a little more personal. It’s my fortieth birthday. I don’t’ spend a lot of time talking about my birthdays, because I find that...
An Adventure with Christ that Brings the Bible to Life

An Adventure with Christ that Brings the Bible to Life

David Gregory’s book, “Open” is a very cool little book that brings parts of scripture to life through relatable narrative that’s packed with adventure. Because I got a complimentary copy from Tyndale, I wanted to share my thoughts here. Only a few...
Pumpkin Spice Church… the Pros and Cons

Pumpkin Spice Church… the Pros and Cons

The first year that Starbucks offered their famous Pumpkin Spice Latte, I probably had ten of them in the first week. So delighted I was with the sugary jolt of liquid autumn, it was love at first sip. And I’m not unlike so many other Americans who took to the...
Gaining Personal Momentum By Taking Small Steps

Gaining Personal Momentum By Taking Small Steps

When challenged to find personal momentum, I often think about a scene from my favorite movie, Steve Martin’s “The Jerk.” It’s a humorous way of reminding us about the importance of taking steps forward rather than standing still. In the movie, Martin’s Navin Johnson...
Successful Businesses with Gospel Focused Values

Successful Businesses with Gospel Focused Values

I started this blog intent on seeing 1Glories grow into a successful business with a Gospel focused mission. That specific mission has evolved from being simple inspiration to that of help others are refining life. I fully expect it to continue evolving as God so...
When it’s Hard to Get Past Your Past

When it’s Hard to Get Past Your Past

Letting go is never easy. This is true for many reasons – comfort with the familiar is one such reason. In this case, comfort holds us back. Of course, some things are easier to let go of than others. Yet, it’s important to know and remember that...
Human Flaws We Cling To And How They Ruin

Human Flaws We Cling To And How They Ruin

It’s uncomfortable to admit we have flaws. But we do have them. You have flaws. I have flaws… we all do. In fact, it’s a fairly constant and obvious fact that everyone on our planet is broken in some way. Whether you believe the story of Adam and Eve or not – there is...