How often do you give thought to your personal worldview? I think about mine often – probably more than I should. However, that doesn’t mean it is not important, nor should it be taken lightly. As the saying goes, if you don’t stand for anything, you might fall...
If you genuinely want to see justice in this world, it’s going to have to start in the right places. There are many ways we go about seeking it, and most of those avenues lead us on wild goose chases or to dead ends. We often see people who are wronged and...
Vision and Leading are two words that practically everyone has heard used in some context. Whether it’s personal or group context, whether for career or volunteerism, you can’t escape hearing those two words. They’re often accompanied with the word...
It’s inauguration day in the United States. We’re witnessing history – whether for better or worse. That’s no different from any other inauguration day that has happened before today. However, while the coming months and years will bring an unveiling of the path...
It’s good to take a break from time to time to consider your ways as you also consider your possible future. You see, the New Year is filled with a lot of advice from leaders, bloggers, journalists and all sorts of people. They’ll give you a lot of words about...
The concept of hopeful leadership is a frequent topic. In fact, when I just googled “Hopeful Leadership” a few moments ago, I got 19.6 million results. The sources of these results run the gamut from the likes of Forbes and Trendhunter to political sites and regional...
What’s your life vision? Do you have a one? In Scripture, it says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish” and that’s the driving motivation behind Roger Patterson’s A Minute of Vision for Men: 365 Motivational Moments to Kick-Start Your Day. So many of us are...
Faithfully saying yes to God means a lot of things. Because of that, in the posts that are shared below, we can see that it means taking risks, and questioning what we thought we knew. It also means knowing how to respond when presented with decisions that must be...
It’s time to say yes. That’s right. I’ve been waiting ALL YEAR for this topic in A Year of Listing Up. You see, the life lesson of “Consider Saying Yes” carries a lot of potential themes and impacts. For me, it’s a highly personal lesson and...
Even when it doesn’t feel like it, we can be high achievers. No matter what this year or any of the years that came before it were like, next year can our best year ever. And it’s with that achiever mindset that we should pursue it. It doesn’t just...
When we have conversations about habits, it is rarely about developing good habits. Those conversations usually begin at the other end of the spectrum. And that’s why habits get a bad wrap. They often get described as “nasty,” “bad,” or “terrible” habits that are...
There are a lot of clichés about celebrating small victories. We have “one step at a time,” “one day at a time,” “day by day,” and a host of others. You may well know, I am no fan of clichés. However, we must realize that clichés become so because there is a ring of...