I tried to find the origin of the phrase, Christian Living. I failed. It’s not overly surprising to me. However, I have seen it in many avenues over the last several months, so I thought there was a chance. But the art of Christian Living may be one of the most...
What if your church is doing discipleship wrong? Is that a question you’ve ever considered? I doubt many of us have. And that’s okay. But the reality is, discipleship is serious stuff. That being the case, we should give serious and proactive thought to how we are...
I am the biggest sinner. That’s not a title I wear with any sense of pride, however. I wear the title with shame and humility. But the bigger question, though, is why I am the biggest sinner? The answer to that is rooted in the study of Edwards’s resolution...
In modeling the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus taught us to seek “Your Kingdom Come.” This is probably viewed by most as a bringing of Heaven to earth. In other words, it’s something we long for in a future tense. What is forgotten or ignored, though, is the present perspective...
I think we all need to sometimes spend time doing self-rediscovery. That’s one thing that really compelled me to read Take Off Your Shoes: One Man’s Journey from the Boardroom to Bali and Back by Ben Feder when given the opportunity to review it. My initial...
Doubting God’s love is something I suspect we all can relate to feeling. I know I personally go through seasons of spiritual idleness. And I, like Edwards and many other people, suffer bouts of depression. The feeling of hopelessness is a sentiment I know as well as...
This will hurt (and perhaps offend) some people, but I’ll get right to the point: I hate the word “theology.” It’s a super churchy word that probably keeps more people from God rather than drawing them closer to him. The very moment I hear the word, I get visions of...
Whether you realize it or not, your words are powerful words. And the power of those words have the potential to hinder or nurture your inner self and others. Truth be told, we probably don’t think enough about that. I know that was made clear to me, at least, as I...
Personal Discipline is a misunderstood concept in many circles. I think it’s because we are quick to relate the word “discipline” to physical or mental abuse. That’s unfortunate. It’s unfortunate because personal discipline in many matters is one of the most missing...
Who knew mistakes are a secret to creating a successful future? More specifically, that learning from our mistakes is the not-so-hidden secret? That’s what compelled CEO, speaker, and leadership thought leader, Skip Prichard to write The Book of Mistakes, 9...
For Jonathan Edwards, resolutions were instructions for living. It’s well chronicled that he wrote 70 resolutions and read them daily throughout life. He followed them and relied upon them for sustaining strength with the ultimate intention being the development of a...
Our personal resolve and New Year’s Resolutions are hot topics right now. You may or may not be into goal setting, and there’s no shortage of advice from bloggers, coaches, and mentors. I’m not going to add my voice to that fray. I bring it up because it’s...