Many technophobes experience a personal digital hell on a daily basis. But, fast forward 100 years to a fully digitized society. Physical newspapers and magazines have ceased to exist. Books are all nestled within the Applazon Cloud by monopolizing the rights when the...
Have you noticed I don’t post on my blog at 1Glories all that often any longer? Here’s why: it became a distraction. If you’ve ever blogged and tried to do so, you know that chasing visits, clicks, optimizing for search and such is exhausting! The blogger has to have...
Realizing you are not teachable is humbling. But literally changes both your career and your life. I know that was the case for me, at least. Having graduated high school, gone through college, and launched into an awesome rising career, I was excited to prove myself...
I like to think I have it all together. There are times, though, where I’m completely fractured and anything but. That may be why I am fascinated by stories that have highly flawed people in them. It keeps me grounded and mindful that I too am highly flawed. It’s more...
God is a God of Comebacks. I know this to be true. You see, when I first wrote this post back in 2016, I really wondered if I could stage a comeback, or if I was done for. I was down and out, feeling very much a failure. Emotionally spent and clinging to hope, I asked...
Lost in the demands to “keep Christ in Christmas” and the requests to “remember the reason for the season” is a broader purpose: hope for a messed up world. You see, the Old Testament ends with a prophesy through Malachi. He was one of several prophets who tried...
My unofficial hiatus might be construed as me giving up. And truth be told, I considered it. Not so much as “giving up” but more like “moving on” to a new season. Back in 2019, as I was finishing my study of Edward’s resolutions, I was...
In 2017, shortly after the inauguration of President Donald Trump, I wrote a post called “The Great American Stalemate will Show Who we Really Are.” Parts of it were sort of “off” but much of it turned out to be (sadly) prophetic. Most notably,...
The year 2020 has more haters than Nickelback. That’s no easy feat. Yes, it has been a rough year, and this “year” has gotten blamed for much. However, without a reset in our personal mindsets, 2021 will be no better… and the truth is; 2020 is not a total loss. Now,...
Don’t underestimate the impact of a new mindset. Like everyone, I’ve been personally impacted by the worldwide pandemic stemming from COVID-19 and the Coronavirus. I do admit I was one of the early skeptics until I started seeing the grim reality. That was the case...
A divine calling is not just a purpose or call. A lot of folks exhaust a lot of time searching for what it is God “wants them to do with their life”. And many writers distill the path to that down to a few “easy steps”. Presumably, getting to...
Referring to Scripture merely as God’s word falls short (stay with me before deciding I am a heretic). I’m asserting this according to our cultural mode of thinking. You see, we have become a culture that’s addicted to experiences over knowledge. It’s hard to...