The late Jerry Bridges penned The Blessing of Humility before his death. In this wonderful little book, he details the beatitudes (Matt. 5:3–11) as a series of blessings that point us toward a pattern of humility in action. Tyndale House Publishers provided me with a...
There are a lot of books and programs that offer marriage advice. For instance, my wife and I were fortunate enough to be read through Larry Crabb’s The Marriage Builder by both our pastor and a handful of couples during our engagement. Truth be told, though, Crabb’s...
If you want to study God’s Word, there are a lot of digital resources, but nothing compares having an open Bible in your hands or on the desk in front of you as you study what he has to tell you. So, if you know a young guy will enjoy drawing close to God...
Everything in life is work in some form or another. Some is strenuous. Some is tedious. Some is enjoyable. Some can be an absolute drag. Cleaning house falls into the latter for most people. Sure, house cleaning work can burn calories and force us into a mindset...
Back in 1992, MTV introduced us to The Real World – an ambitious experiment that assembled and housed a group of strangers from diverse backgrounds to see how they would relate to one another. It granted viewers a voyeur’s perspective into the petri dish...
There is no doubting that every blogger who has committed time and energy to their craft has a set of blogs posts like those I am going to share with you today. These are the posts I produced with the belief they would be much better received than they were. They are...
Leadership is a tricky thing to pinpoint. We have all sorts of stereotypical visions of what leadership is and there are more philosophies than any of us care to admit. But we rarely consider the idea of self-leadership. So, here’s a confession: I am my own worst...
“If we trust in him, God transforms ugly, hurtful circumstances into beautiful things that lift up and encourage us… He can take our brokenness and make something beautiful of it.” This quote does a great job of capturing the full scope of Jacqueline Wallace’s...
Before I share my review of the MercyMe, It’s Christmas CD I think we need to get a couple of things straight. First, I am not a big fan of Christmas music. In general, I find Christmas music to be self-indulgent and lacking of genuine substance. Maybe it’s because I...
We develop and use metaphors to define us, drive us and paint a complex picture in a simpler light so we can be better connected and unified in mind. It’s not a new practice. For instance, workplaces are often described as organisms, machines, brains, even prisons....
From time to time, I like to spotlight and/or review other bloggers and authors who are also helping others achieve a refining life in some degree. Today, I’d like to introduce to you Jed Jurchenko, his blog (Jed Jurchenko’s Coffee Shop Conversations) and his...
The events and happenings of our lives are perfectly ordered by God. Having reflected, analyzed and considered my life many times over and from many angles, I have come to understand and accept this as an undeniable fact. Even in the smallest of contexts, the evidence...