These days, it’s challenging to know truth from fiction and misunderstanding. That’s why it’s helpful to have others who are diligent enough to trace origins, review facts, and help carry the torch of wisdom. For it’s through them that we gain a passing of the baton...
When it comes to making decisions, I am pretty terrible. It’s a discipline I just never quite developed well. Some might say it’s “being the Libra that I am”. You see, I too easily sway sides at the slightest hint of credible support. Not that I am a believer in...
In David Platt’s book, Something Needs to Change: A Call to Make Your Life Count in a World of Urgent Need, readers experience an 8-day trek through Himalayan trails. In those trails, the Gospel is not always welcomed. Platt’s first-hand account details...
It’s so hard to get the right focus in life and in career. We are in a frenzied world that is too-often interrupted by shifting priorities, social media notifications, and unexpected things. Of course, that is all on top of our natural tendency to lose motivation (get...
I have always viewed life in terms of life seasons. Eric Thurman has written a guide to help retirees gain the most of their “third season.” However, Thrive in Retirement: Simple Secrets for Being Happy for the Rest of Your Life offers timeless wisdom is...
Being different usually comes with a negative connotation. However, there are times where we must not just endure being different, we must embrace being different. In Keep Christianity Weird: Embracing the Discipline of Being Different, Michael Frost argues it’s the...
In Kingdom Citizen: Your Role in Rebuilding a Broken Nation, Tony Evans presents a compelling case for renewed emphasis on the relationship of God in culture. Moreover, he shows how, in our misguided pursuit of buildings and turnkey programs, we have forgotten a call...
In The Life Giving Leader: Learning to Lead from Your Truest Self, Tyler Reagin pleads the case for learning to lead from your unique God-given design to help facilitate a similar pursuit in the lives of others. With forwards by Andy Stanley and Craig Groeschel, the...
Many things in life and work require having a progressive mindset. I’ve come to understand that this is especially true when it comes to personal discipleship. Before I explain that and put it into context of Edwards’ second resolution, let me explain a bit....
Even unlikely hero’s can experience a hero’s journey. In An Outlaw Makes It Home: The Awakening of a Spiritual Revolutionary, author Eli Jaxon-Bear frames a memoir modeled by Joseph Campbell’s the hero’s journey. In so doing, he details, in vivid...
What if your church is doing discipleship wrong? Is that a question you’ve ever considered? I doubt many of us have. And that’s okay. But the reality is, discipleship is serious stuff. That being the case, we should give serious and proactive thought to how we are...
The hostile culture of the U.S. is pretty obvious to anyone who pays even a bit of attention. There are warring factions on multiple sides of virtually every topic. Unfortunately, one seemingly can no longer live in peace. That’s because choosing a side also means...