We all have metaphorical earbuds that we are using as interpersonal barriers of relationships. Sometimes, those “earbuds” are intentionally put in place as we are zoning out and keeping ourselves solitary. Other times, they’re in place without our conscious knowledge....
A lot of people suffer from the fear of missing out, or FOMO. You see, we all like to be included and don’t want to be the one missing out on the good times, great experiences and epic moments. During a conversation with a worship leader, I was struck by her reference...
There are many ways we can go about viewing life. That’s because there are many ways in which we filter the way we see. Be it experiences, education or otherwise, we have a tendency to paint everything according to what we know. Of course, we could get...
As a parent, I’ve always believed in the impact of reading to kids. Though my kids are getting older, I’m always looking for fun and engaging books that teach powerful, spiritual lessons without purely preaching. John Ortberg’s new book, Your...
If you are a leader or want to be a leader, and you are trying to identify good leadership tools, I suggest you pack a mirror. Yes, leaders are expected to have and share a vision. They need to set a direction and clear a path forward. While we commonly think of a...
You may be familiar with the phrase, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” It’s practical advice. Unfortunately, though, it discourages the taking of risks.I Iwas am reminded of a time when I was challenged along with a group of other like-minded individuals, to...
How often do you give thought to your personal worldview? I think about mine often – probably more than I should. However, that doesn’t mean it is not important, nor should it be taken lightly. As the saying goes, if you don’t stand for anything, you might fall...
If you genuinely want to see justice in this world, it’s going to have to start in the right places. There are many ways we go about seeking it, and most of those avenues lead us on wild goose chases or to dead ends. We often see people who are wronged and...
I have had many neighbors, but I will never forget one of them. The old man who lived across the street from my childhood home had a wonderful bed of tulips in his back yard. I stumbled onto them one afternoon as I cut through on my way to a friend’s house. A long...
We find ourselves in the midst of a Great American Stalemate. That’s the conclusion I am coming to after having considered what has been going on in my country over the last many months. In fact, I have felt pretty helpless since the election of Donald Trump as...
Vision and Leading are two words that practically everyone has heard used in some context. Whether it’s personal or group context, whether for career or volunteerism, you can’t escape hearing those two words. They’re often accompanied with the word...
It’s inauguration day in the United States. We’re witnessing history – whether for better or worse. That’s no different from any other inauguration day that has happened before today. However, while the coming months and years will bring an unveiling of the path...