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Hi there. You're probably here looking for food assistance through Angel Food Ministries. Unfortunately, Angel Food Ministries is closed nationwide and will not reopen. Many other regional, food-buying programs similar to what AFM was exist and I've posted links to some I have found below.
These companies are generally considered to be bulk food buying programs, of which here are three common types: Food Box Programs, Food Cooperatives, and Bulk Buying Clubs. They all have the same basic purpose: to get nutritious food to people at a lower than retail cost.
King Foods (Formerly Smart Choice Food Source):
Looking to Save on Your Food Costs? - You Might be Interested in This
I'm in the early stages of putting together a book and video course (plus some some other great extras) to help us all learn about different ways to save hundreds - maybe thousands - on the cost of the food we buy. I don't have the details ready quite yet, but I would love it if you were to join the waiting list. Just enter your email address and click the button. I'll be in touch as soon as I have more details ready.