Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. ~ Philippians 3:12 ESV
In issue number 60 of Relevant Magazine, there is a nice little write up called, “10 Ways to an Extraordinary Life: Bob Goff’s Field Notes from a Life Well-Lived.” I really enjoyed reading this the first time and each time I’ve perused it thereafter.
His advice ranges from the simple, “Don’t Let Anyone Go to Voicemail” to the peculiar “Be Incredibly Inefficient at Love” to the life changing “Take the Next Step”.
As I finish up my 2013 Affirmations, I have drawn a lot of inspiration from this short list. In almost all cases, it revolves around placing others first, and making sure they know they are important and loved. In some instances, it’s a simple change in mindset (such having “Bible Doing” instead of “Bible Study”).
Definitely suggest you check out this list before you commit to any “resolutions” or ambitions for the coming year. It will help you look at your life with a distinctly different perspective, challenge you to take your life to a higher level and life a live that is one worthy of glorifying God.
Psst… While you’re at it, check out Why Your New Year’s Resolutions Won’t Work.