Today is Thanksgiving in the United States. With that in mind, many bloggers are posting their thoughts and reflections on the holiday. Most will agree that we should strive to live every day with an attitude of thanks – easier said that done. Several Christian bloggers offer prayers of Thanksgiving, which are great for getting you in a meditative mindset as you talk with God.
Thanksgiving Blog Posts
I’m not going to share my Thanksgiving reflections this year, as I am not sure I can add anything of value to the discussion. Instead, here are seven posts I encourage you to review and consider as you do your personal reflections’
Thanksgiving Prayer by Marcie Bridges (2Me from Him with Norma Gail – Marcie Bridges)
A wonderful poem and commentary that inspires us to transform our way of living into one that offers thanks every day.
A prayer for Thanksgiving (Shepherd Press – Jay Younts)
Based upon Psalm 100, Jay Younts offers a great prayer that seeks the installment of the heart of Thanksgiving without ourselves and others. “Rescue me from self-focus.”
Thanksgiving All Year Round (Creatively Making Disciples – Jacob Abshire)
Jacob reminds us that a heart of Thanksgiving is a Christian lifestyle and encourages us to cultivate it as an ongoing and visible expression while teaching from Psalm 75.
Tell God How Thankful You are with These 5 Psalms! (
A nice video posted by Stephen Sanders that has some wonderful music and visual representations of God’s amazing creations as Psalms are presented.
What Comes After Thanksgiving? (desiringGod – Marshall Segal)
“What does Thanksgiving do to shape your view of God’s grace? As you look back, remember that every single thing you’ve received is another undeserved gift from the well of God’s mercy toward you (James 1:17).”
Giving Is Receiving (Archetypes – Christina Carlino)
Quoting Anne Frank and St. Francis, focuses in on the benefits we obtain when we GIVE and the practical ways we can give without going materially broke.
7 Simple Ways to Create Thanksgiving Every Day (Tiny Buddha – Arvind Devalia)
Many thanksgiving posts throughout the blog sphere focus on a desire to live every day like it’s Thanksgiving. Some goes as far as to tell us WHY that is important, but few of them actually talk about HOW. Here’s one. Consider these suggestions as you meditate on what God would want you to receive from this year’s observation of the holiday: Live with gratitude, show appreciation for others, celebrate life every day, enjoy nature’s bounty share your abundance, truly appreciate your loved ones and contribute to others/bring people together.